What is The Meaning of Fengshui Horse?and How to Place It

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In the quest for enhanced fortune and family well-being, many individuals turn to the placement of auspicious symbols within their homes. One such symbol is the horse, which holds profound significance in Feng Shui practice. 

However, the positioning and quantity of horses are not matters to be taken lightly; there are specific guidelines and taboos to consider. In this blog, we’ll delve into the Feng Shui horse detail to optimize their positive energy.

The Symbolism of Horses:

  1. Success and Prosperity: Placing a horse figurine in the wealth corner of your living room signifies the arrival of success and financial gains. A horse carrying a treasure, such as an ingot, represents a swift accumulation of wealth and a boost in financial luck.
  2. Matching Zodiac Signs: People born under the zodiac signs of Tiger, Dog, Sheep, and Snake are especially suited to having horse symbols in their homes. For other zodiac signs, more consideration is needed to avoid conflicting energies.

Auspicious Horse Symbols:

  1. Horse Riding Monkey: This depicts a horse carrying a monkey on its back, symbolizing rapid promotion and steady advancement in one’s career or social status.
  2. Horse with Money: Placing a specific number of coins or bills on the horse’s back invites both regular income and unexpected windfalls.
  3. Horse Stepping on Swallow: This portrayal of a horse with three hooves off the ground and one stepping on a swallow represents diligence and triumph. It signifies one’s unwavering efforts leading to success.
  4. Eight Galloping Horses: The image of eight spirited horses galloping together reflects progress, determination, and the ability to overcome challenges. This symbol is often associated with collective teamwork and a tenacious spirit.

Feng Shui Taboos for Placing Horses:

  1. Positioning: Place the horse figurine with its head facing outward and towards the entrance of your home. This placement invites positive energy and welcomes opportunities.
  2. Element Compatibility: Horses belong to the Fire element and are associated with the South direction. Avoid placing horse symbols near water features, like fish tanks and bathrooms, as these areas clash with the Fire element.
  3. Eight Galloping Horses in the Office: Hanging an image of eight galloping horses in your office signifies diligence and success. It embodies power and speed, promoting a strong work ethic.
  4. Direction Matters: Hanging the Eight Galloping Horses image in the northeast direction fosters teamwork and cooperation within a company, leading to improved business prospects and profitability.
  5. Wealth and Prosperity: To attract wealth and prosperity, position the horse symbol in auspicious locations within your home, aligning with the Flying Star Chart or Bagua Map.
  6. Ideal Locations: The best positions for horse symbols are the South and Northwest directions. Placing horse symbols in the South aligns with the horse’s zodiac element, while the Northwest enhances financial luck. Assess your home’s energetic flow to determine the most suitable location.
  7. Quantity Matters: Optimal numbers for horse symbols are two, three, six, eight, or nine. Six horses are particularly auspicious, symbolizing success and achievement. Avoid displaying five horses, as it’s associated with negative connotations.

Compatibility and Consideration:

While horses are generally regarded as symbols of auspiciousness, individuals born under the Rat zodiac sign might experience conflicting energies. For those born under the zodiac signs of Tiger, Dog, and Pig, placing horse symbols in their homes can yield positive results. However, remember that the effectiveness of any Feng Shui adjustment is contingent on its compatibility with your individual circumstances.


In the pursuit of harnessing positive energy and enhancing your living space, Applying Feng Shui horse principles, and understanding the symbolism behind these majestic creatures, you can create an environment that fosters success, prosperity, and harmony for you and your loved ones.

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